About our Modified Block Schedule, Quest, Second Step and Electives
Our goal in moving to a modified block schedule is to provide our students with a richer learning environment. Block scheduling gives teachers more time to deliver quality instruction. Longer class time allows for extended activities such as Project Based Learning, team teaching and interdisciplinary studies. In addition, a block schedule cuts down on time spent moving between classes, allowing for more instructional minutes in a day.
“Quest Period” is a time carved out of the schedule on Tuesdays for students to receive additional enrichment. We begin the school year providing Second Step instruction to the entire school for the first trimester during Quest period. This allows us to provide social and emotional education without taking time away from other curricular areas. During the subsequent trimesters, students have a choice to receive additional help in areas of need or explore areas of interest.
Examples of Quest Period classes include:
“Quest Period” is a time carved out of the schedule on Tuesdays for students to receive additional enrichment. We begin the school year providing Second Step instruction to the entire school for the first trimester during Quest period. This allows us to provide social and emotional education without taking time away from other curricular areas. During the subsequent trimesters, students have a choice to receive additional help in areas of need or explore areas of interest.
Examples of Quest Period classes include:
- Associated Student Body
- Debate club
- Geometry support
- Math support or math games
- Reading club
- Science fiction writing
- Movie theme analysis
We will also use the Quest Period to hold assemblies, so they will not disrupt regular classroom schedules. All Central students have the opportunity to select a Quest Period class. Classes will be only one trimester long (with the exception of ASB & Geometry).
Central Middle School also offers students the option of taking two elective classes instead of just one (if they want to take a zero period). This allows students more choice in their schedule. Many students choose to come to school early in order to take advantage of our many elective class offerings.
Elective classes are:
Central Middle School also offers students the option of taking two elective classes instead of just one (if they want to take a zero period). This allows students more choice in their schedule. Many students choose to come to school early in order to take advantage of our many elective class offerings.
Elective classes are:
- Band
- Orchestra
- Spanish
- World Languages
- Genius Hour
- Technology Design
- Art/Ceramics
- Advanced Art
- Media Class