Principal's Message
I would like to begin by wishing everybody a happy holiday season. One week to go before we take a well deserved break. With the coming of a new year, it is a good time to reflect on the past year and make some goals for the year to come. I would like to take this opportunity to review with you the goals we have set this academic year and to let you know the progress we have made to date.
This year you will see us continue to work on fulfilling our commitment to the district wide strategic plan, which includes technology-infused project based learning and personalized learning strategies. In addition, we remain committed to evaluating our homework policy and the new structures put into place (schedules, elective classes, collaboration time, Quest classes etc…). Our goal is to implement the depth and rigor of the Common Core Standards while focusing on the Whole Child. We have a sustained commitment to meet the needs of all of our children in a supportive and inclusive environment. Below are the overarching goals we continue to strive to implement.
- Reaching their highest academic, social, emotional, intellectual and physical potential
- Becoming problem solvers, critical thinkers, risk-takers, designers, collaborators, and innovators
- Developing into contributing, empathic citizens and leaders who are responsible stewards of their world and care about equity and justice, both locally and worldwide
Over the past two and a half years, Central Middle School has implemented a student behavior program called Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS). You will hear staff members refer to PBIS frequently throughout your time here. The major goal of PBIS is to provide students support, guidance, and consistent messaging around behavioral expectations. This includes our four core values: Safe, Supportive, Responsible and Respectful. We refer to these four words as much as possible throughout the year. Our aim is to provide the kind of support that will help our students thrive in a productive learning environment. This includes a variety of positive incentives and encouragements to do the right thing. Throughout the day we stress the importance of being a good person. Below are the ways in which we have been implementing PBIS.
A positive school climate supports healthy outcomes for all students
- Norms, values, and expectations that support student safety
- Prevention, Intervention, Postvention support
- Accessible Social, Emotional, and Behavioral supports
- Respectful, caring, and engaging interactions with adults and students
- Meaningful participation in decision making
- Promoting individual, group, and school-wide supports that enhance connectedness and contribute to a safe, supportive environment
We have also continued to focus on our SEL curriculum because we know that it works. Building on and practicing skills throughout the middle school years helps students become better able to use them. As in the lessons taught in previous years, the new Second Step program focuses on skills that will help your student succeed in school and in life. These skills include empathy, communication, goal setting, relationship building and more.
I have mentioned several times this year that one of our main focuses will be on relationship building. We know that schools are defined by the relationships between students and the adults at school, but in addition, research suggests that students perform better in school when they feel valued. Our SEL curriculum will help us build and maintain positive relationships at school, but we do not plan on stopping there, we have several activities planned throughout the year to help us create a strong, caring community at CMS.
In addition to the everything mentioned above, I have bullet pointed some of the other things CMS staff has been working on this year. As you can see, we have been a busy staff:
- English teachers continue their work with Lucy Calkins Readers and Writer Workshop
- In history, teachers have been working on new book adoption
- Our science teachers have been working tirelessly incorporating the new Next Generation Science Standards into their curriculum
- Math teachers have implemented new benchmark test
- Fitness and Wellness teachers are refining their standards based grading system.
- All of our teachers are working on differentiating their curriculum and coming up with ways to personalize learning for every student
- The entire staff continues to learn how to incorporate Restorative Circles into their classrooms
- The staff has also been doing a lot of work around creating alternative grading practices. We have done a deep dive into what we value as educators and if our values are truly represented in our classrooms
- We continue to evaluate student data to help inform instruction
- Our Counseling Department has implemented Supportive And Inclusive Club and is still working with Beyond Differences to help build a school environment where everybody feels valued
- Quest classes continue to evolve
The work that we are doing does require time. That is why January 7th 2019 is a professional development day. Teachers will be at school working on all of this important stuff, but students will get one more day of winter vacation. Students return to school January 8th, 2019
I would like to end this year’s newsletters providing you with a link to something that I am very proud of, Mustang Musings. This is a collection of writings, paintings and photographs created by Central students. One of our remarkable 6th grade students, Christine Chang, came up with the idea to showcase some of the creative writing and artwork that our students are composing. Every piece of work was created by one of our students on a completely voluntary bases. It is quite amazing what they came up with.
Please take a moment to read Mustang Musings, I am confident that you will be impressed.
Tom Domer
8th Grade DC/NYC Trip
There is still time to enroll your child in the 8th grade Washington, DC and NYC trip from June 17, 2019 to June 21, 2019. Learn more about the trip and sign up
The DC/NY trip is not school sponsored or affiliated with the San Carlos School District, but led by an individual through EF Explore America. If you have any questions about this trip, please contact Jennifer Williams at
Is your 8th grader attending Sequoia High School next year? Do you want to learn more about Sequoia's honors IB Program? Please attend Sequoia's 8th Grade IB Info Meeting on January 15th from 6:00 pm at Sequoia High School in Carrington Hall. This meeting will be held in English. Thank you.
Mustang Roundup
Arroyo CMS PTA
Central Staff Holiday Breakfast
Please sign up to spread holiday cheer to our wonderful Central staff. We'll be providing breakfast on Friday 12/21. Any contribution is greatly appreciated
Safe Route to School Transportation Survey
Please take 5 minutes to complete the linked survey. Your feedback allows us to adjust Safe Routes to School (SRTS) education and encouragement program features to best meet the needs of each individual school. Results will also be shared with decision makers throughout the county who can address infrastructure issues regarding safe walking and biking.
English Link:
Spanish Link:
Thank Our Crossing Guards
Here in SCSD we are fortunate to have such dedicated crossing guards supporting our students. Please take time in the next few weeks before the winter break to say thank you to Ronda Copeland (Woodland/Arroyo), Paul Alipate (Cedar/Arroyo), and Martin Pearlta (Brittan/Cedar).
SCSD Athletics
Please use the DISTRICT LINK for information on SCSD Athletics. Call 415-334-3333 or email with any questions.
In Search of Unique Auction Items
Do you have access to a vacation home, event/sports tickets, fine wine/wine tasting or another fun experience? Does a family member or friend work in the entertainment industry? We’d love to hear from you! Our volunteer committee is hard at work creating unique auction items for our March 2019 Starlight Gala & Auction. Write to our events team at with your ideas and connections and help make this year the best auction yet.
End of Year Giving
Donate Early
As we enter the last weeks of 2018, we invite you to consider making your SCEF Annual Fund donation earlier than usual. Take advantage of possible 2018 tax deductions by making a gift of cash or stock to SCEF before December 31st. As our district faces challenging budget issues, SCEF would like to be able to provide a good estimate of our grant to Superintendent Harmeier and her team by March 30, 2019. Donate now at:
Double your Donation
Many employers will match your gift to SCEF. Our handy Double the Donation tool will help you determine if your company has a matching program. Go to to learn more.
Appreciated Stock
A gift of appreciated stock you've held for more than a year is better than giving cash. If you donate stock that has increased in value since you've owned it - and if you itemize deductions - you can take a charitable deduction for the stock's fair market value on the day you give it away. You'll also avoid capital gains taxes on the increase in value over time.
Go to to learn how.
SCEF Starlight Gala Tickets - Available from Jan 8 2019
Starlight Gala tickets will go on sale to the public on January 8 at 10 am. Please visit that day for purchase link and information.
Community Partners
Sign Up for Little League Baseball by this Friday, December 21st
If your child is interested in playing San Carlos Little League this Spring, make sure to sign up by this Friday, December 21. Registration for ages 4-14 (T-Ball through Juniors) is going on now! You can indicate your coaching interest through the online registration process. Register at Questions? Email Ted Mathias at or Jon Ackerhalt at
Looking forward to a great 2019 season!
High School Happenings
Sequoia High School
International Baccalaureate (IB) Informational Meeting
January 15, 2018 - 6:00 PM - Carrington Hall (Spanish Presentation @ College Career Center)
Presentation from IB Program Coordinator about IB: an honors program that challenges students to reach their fullest academic potential, while developing both as students and global citizens
See sample course loads for 9th-12th grades
Campus Tours
November 10, 2018 and January 26, 2019, Front of School
Approximately 30 minute tours led by current Sequoia Leadership students
Tours will depart between 10:00 AM and 11:00 AM. No advanced sign-ups necessary
Highlights points of interest on campus and provides answers to frequently asked questions
Performing Arts
Fall Musical The Drowsy Chaperone: November 10, 11, 16 and 17 @ Carrington Hall
Spring Play The Children's Hour: March 8, 9, & 10, 2019 @ Carrington Hall
Fall Concert: October 23 @ Carrington Hall (7:00 pm)
Open House
Thursday, March 28, 2019 -7:00-8:30 PM
Open to Current and Prospective Students
Sequoia Day/Sequoia Stampede
Saturday, April 13, 2019 (9:00 AM)
Freshman Welcome Night
Wednesday, April 25 @ MPR 6:30-8:30 PM
Also, for more information about Sequoia and all of our programs, please visit our website at
Carlmont High School
Attached please find the October Carlmont Corner & a detailed flyer about Shadowing at Carlmont. Shadow registration will be available through our website beginning on October 8th.
• Carlmont High School website:
• Sequoia Union High School District website:
• Central, Charter, & Tierra Linda: Chris Cook
• Nesbit, Ralston & Non-Feeder: Carol Castro
• For non-feeder school ONLY: email to join mailing list
Summit/Everest High School
For more information go to
Design Tech High School