9/3/18 CMS Newsletter

Principal's Message


Good Morning CMS Families,

It was great to see everyone at Back-to-School Night last week. I received a lot of positive feedback about our teachers and the good work that they do. It was also great to see so many families ready to get back to school.

In my presentation to families before Back-to-School Night, I mentioned how important it is that we work as partners in the education of our children. I have included part of my presentation below for those of you who may have missed it.  Pease take a minute to read this over. If you do have any time to spare, please consider volunteering around school. It is also important that you consider joining our PTA and getting involved with SCEF. We love to see parents around campus plus it is good for our kids.  

5 Important Facts About Parent Involvement

  1. Parent involvement boosts student achievement.
  2. Parent involvement is actually a better predictor of academic success than standardized tests.
  3. Parent involvement is defined as “any variety of activities that allow parents to participate in the educational process at home or in the school.”
  4. Parent involvement declines as students age.
  5. Teachers and schools can overcome barriers to parent involvement by reaching out and building trusting relationships.  


I have included a number of links for you to sign-up to get involved:

We are looking for volunteers to help supervise at lunch.  We started this last year and found it helpful to have additional adults on campus during our busy lunch period.  We’ve created a sign-up for the first trimester and will send an updated sign-up later in the school year. Please go here to sign up.


The Central Arroyo PTA utilizes a web store called PTAEZ to purchase other items and collect payments for events and programs throughout the year.

We have expanded the offerings on PTAEZ to make it easier for parents to make all the purchases that they want for the year even before school starts. Please follow these steps to pay for the following items:

  • Central Arroyo PTA Membership
  • Stampede & Soar Run registration and donations

To access PTAEZ CLICK HERE or visit https://centralarroyopta.myschoolcentral.com

(Best used in browsers other than Safari)

  1. Sign up for a PTAEZ account if you don’t have one from last year. This is your account and all purchases for your child will be linked to you.
  2. Click on the button for the item you would like to purchase.
  3. Enter in the required information for the purchase, select “add to cart.”
  4. Once you are done shopping, check out via your shopping cart and pay via PayPal or credit card.

If you are having trouble or have questions, please email David Binetti at [email protected]


Volunteers Needed for Hot Lunch

Want a chance to see the kids during the lunch hour? Be a Hot Lunch Volunteer! Shifts are one hour, starting at 12:00pm, on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.  Work monthly or more often. If interested, contact Jen Pedrotti at [email protected]



 Mustang Roundup

Arroyo CMS PTA 

Volunteers Needed!
We need YOU to make this year’s Fun Run happen! Please sign-up here to join the Stampede & Soar team. Whatever your interests or time constraints, we have an opportunity for you! Registration and sponsorship information will be available soon.

Please contact Kate Blanchard at [email protected] for more information.


Annual School Musical 

All SCSD students in grades 4-8 are invited to join this year's exciting district-wide musical MARY POPPINS JR! Everyone who registers will be cast. Students in grades 6-8 will be members of the main cast and must audition to assign character parts. Students in grades 4 & 5 will be members of the ensemble and do NOT need to audition. But, everyone must register. Go to www.SanCarlosChildrensTheater.com for rehearsal details and to register. It's going to be magical! Early Bird discount rate is available until September 5 so don't delay! Questions: Contact [email protected].


SCSD Athletics

Please use the DISTRICT LINK https://www.scsdsports.org for information on SCSD Athletics. Call 415-334-3333 or email [email protected] with any questions.



Are parties your thing, or do you prefer family friendly activities? Our redesigned website now features all events under one tab. Go to www.scefkids.org/events and check them out. You will be sure to find what you like.

Our upcoming events are:

Industrial Arts Horsepower Car show.
 What can be more fun than an old fashion Car Show?  On Saturday, September 8, 8 am to 3 pm, the San Carlos Chamber will host the inaugural Industrial Arts Horsepower Car Show and Street Fair. The event will be held on Washington Street between Old County and Industrial Road, and include a wide variety of activities on Bayport and Varian.

There will be street vendors spread throughout the awesome cars on display. This is family friendly event complete with Kid Zone Fun! With a blend of cars, street fair and featuring local craft breweries and wineries in the Industrial Arts neighborhood of San Carlos, there is something for everyone!
SCEF is very fortunate to be the beneficiary of the proceeds from this year’s show. Come on down for the show. If you are interested in volunteering at the show itself, they would welcome the help. Send an email to [email protected] to learn more.

An Evening Dancing Under the Stars
On Saturday, September 15, Rock out to dance band, "Gotcha Covered", nosh on savory appetizers and enjoy an evening to remember in the company of your fabulous San Carlos friends as we transform Burton Park into a late summer wonderland! 

6:00PM - 9:30 PM at the Burton Park Bandstand.  Adults only.


An Evening at Town
An Evening at TOWN is SOLD OUT! But you can still participate in this year's Evening at TOWN Raffle.  The grand prize is a pair of diamond hoop earrings.  Only 150 tickets will be sold.  To see the earrings and learn how to purchase raffle tickets, please go to: https://www.scefkids.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/TOWN2018-Raffle.pdf

Your SCEF dollars at work.
This year, SCEF is granting over $2.4 million to benefit school programs and fund educator positions. Thank you to all our donors and business sponsors. Your generosity supports quality education in our San Carlos public schools.
Find out more about what we do at: www.scefkids.org


Community Partners

Open Enrollment for San Carlos Eaton Hills 4H 

All SCSD students in grades 4-8 are invited to join this year's exciting district-wide musical MARY POPPINS JR! Everyone who registers will be cast. Students in grades 6-8 will be members of the main cast and must audition to assign character parts. Students in grades 4 & 5 will be members of the ensemble and do NOT need to audition. But, everyone must register. Go to www.SanCarlosChildrensTheater.com for rehearsal details and to register. It's going to be magical! Early Bird discount rate is available until September 5 so don't delay! Questions: Contact [email protected].


High School Happenings

Sequoia High School

Find out what’s happening at Sequoia!

We have numerous websites, groups, social media options and publications at our school for you to explore and enjoy. Here are just a few good sources to get you started*:

Sequoia High School:




https://www.facebook.com/ shsef/

Sequoia PTSA:


Subscribe to the Sentinel Newsletter: http://www.sequoiaptsa.org/?page_id=116

Communications Resource List for parents: http://bit.ly/2pCGWdf

Sequoia Visual and Performing Arts Boosters:



Sequoia Sports


Sequoia Spirit & Sports Boosters:


Sequoia Media Center:


The Raven Report:


Seq Life:

Get the app on iTunes: http://apple.co/2oP18IN

SAFE Afterschool Program:



Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat:



Carlmont High School

•    Carlmont High School website: http://carlmonths.org/ 
•    Sequoia Union High School District website: http://www.seq.org/ 

•    Central, Charter, & Tierra Linda: Chris Cook [email protected]      
•    Nesbit, Ralston & Non-Feeder: Carol Castro [email protected]  
•    For non-feeder school ONLY: email [email protected] to join mailing list


Summit/Everest High School

For more information go to summitps.org


Design Tech High School
