8/27/18 CMS Newsletter

Principal's Message

Over the past two year, Central Middle School has implemented a student behavior program called Positive Behavior Support and Intervention (PBIS). You will hear staff members refer to BPIS frequently throughout your time here. The major goal of PBIS is to provide students support, guidance, and consistent messaging around behavioral expectations. This includes our four core values: Safe, Supportive, Responsible and Respectful. We refer to these four words as much as possible throughout the year.     

Our aim is to provide the kind of support that will help our students thrive in a productive learning environment. This includes a variety of positive incentives and encouragements to do the right thing. Throughout the day we stress the importance of being a good person.

Ideally, students will respond to the positive support they are receiving at school.  However, at times consequences for misbehavior must be administered. If a student breaks a school rule, we employ several different approaches.  At first, we simply redirect a student. If this does not work, consequences are administered that range from missing a part of recess to picking up trash during lunch or after school detention. We do this in order to curve unproductive behaviors. A major component of PBIS is Restorative Practices which emphasizes natural consequences and making up to the people who may have been harmed. The consequence should be related to the infraction in some way and must have a restorative component to it.

As I mentioned in my previous communication, positive and respectful behavior will be a focus this year. On Thursday we held an assembly designed to reinforce behavioral expectation for all of our students. On Friday we reviewed our safety procedures and behavior guidelines to all of our 6th grade students.

Building positive behavior is a priority for us at Central Middle School, however, this is not something we do alone. We work in conjunction with the SCSD Governing Board to set behavioral expectations for all of our students. The vision and guiding principles from San Carlos School District’s discipline policy state that we are committed to providing an innovative and engaging learning experience that fosters the development of the whole child to ensure all students are well prepared for success in the 21st Century, as evidenced by:

  • Reaching their highest academic, social, emotional, intellectual and physical potential
  • Becoming problem solvers, critical thinkers, risk-takers, designers, collaborators, and innovators
  • Developing into contributing, empathic citizens and leaders who are responsible stewards of their world and care about equity and justice, both locally and worldwide.

We work very hard to provide a safe, supportive, and positive school environment which is conducive to student learning. We believe that the work we are doing with PBIS helps prepare students to be responsible citizens by fostering self-discipline and personal responsibility.

We also believe that high expectations for student behavior, the use of effective school and classroom management strategies, provision of appropriate intervention and support, and parent involvement can minimize the need for disciplinary measures that exclude students from instruction as a means for correcting student misbehavior. Our goal is to keep students in school and engaged in a supportive educational environment.

I will be communicating more around PBIS and the ways in which we foster positive behaviors as we progress through the year.

Tom Domer



Mustang Roundup

Arroyo CMS PTA 

Message from the President

Hello Central Families!

On behalf of Central Arroyo PTA, we welcome our new and returning families for the 2018-19 school year !  We are very excited to be one PTA for both school communities. The PTA board and I encourage all of our families to get involved during these exciting and challenging middle school years.   Our intention is to engage ALL our families and school community in active conversation, to ensure Central continues to be an innovative and interesting place of learning for our children. Volunteering for CMS events and programs is a great way to make an impact on the lives of our children as they mature.  Many of our programs cannot succeed without our parent partners! Any help however small or big, is always welcomed.

Join us for the many family activities we host: In the fall we have the Book Fair and the Central and Arroyo Stampede and Soar (this fall with a new twist!) In the spring we host the Central/Arroyo Family Night and Open House. Please look out for volunteering opportunities each week in the school newsletter, or feel free to email me. I am happy to be returning as President and look forward to seeing you at our many events and activities this year.

Lucrecia Boswell



Volunteers Needed!
We need YOU to make this year’s Fun Run happen! Please sign-up here to join the Stampede & Soar team. Whatever your interests or time constraints, we have an opportunity for you! Registration and sponsorship information will be available soon.

Please contact Kate Blanchard at [email protected] for more information.


SCSD Athletics

Please use the DISTRICT LINK https://www.scsdsports.org for information on SCSD Athletics. Call 415-334-3333 or email [email protected] with any questions.



Welcome to a Great 2018-19 School Year!

Our SCSD schools are in session! With new leadership and new perspectives, our schools are more prepared than ever to pave the way to our students’ success.
Many thanks to all our donors and business sponsors who helped SCEF reach its
2017-18 goal. Your generous donations will fund key educator positions and programs that are essential to a well-rounded education.  Thank you for enriching our students’ learning experience. To learn about our work, please go to www.scefkids.org

An Evening at Town

Thanks to everyone who purchased tickets to our Evening at TOWN.  We are SOLD OUT! To be put on the wait-list, send an email to: [email protected].  

You are Invited to Particpate in this year's Evening at Town Raffle

You are invited to participate in this year's Evening at TOWN raffle.  The grand prize is a pair of diamond hoop earrings.  Only 150 tickets will be sold.  To see the earrings and learn how to purchase raffle tickets, please go to: https://www.scefkids.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/TOWN2018-Raffle.pdf

Come One Come All

Join your friends and neighbors at one of our popular parent parties. If you are new to the district, parent parties are a great way to connect with our community.
There is something for everyone!   
Check them out here: 

High School Happenings

Sequoia High School

Find out what’s happening at Sequoia!

We have numerous websites, groups, social media options and publications at our school for you to explore and enjoy. Here are just a few good sources to get you started*:

Sequoia High School:




https://www.facebook.com/ shsef/

Sequoia PTSA:


Subscribe to the Sentinel Newsletter: http://www.sequoiaptsa.org/?page_id=116

Communications Resource List for parents: http://bit.ly/2pCGWdf

Sequoia Visual and Performing Arts Boosters:



Sequoia Sports


Sequoia Spirit & Sports Boosters:


Sequoia Media Center:


The Raven Report:


Seq Life:

Get the app on iTunes: http://apple.co/2oP18IN

SAFE Afterschool Program:



Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat:


Carlmont High School

•    Carlmont High School website: http://carlmonths.org/ 
•    Sequoia Union High School District website: http://www.seq.org/ 

•    Central, Charter, & Tierra Linda: Chris Cook [email protected]      
•    Nesbit, Ralston & Non-Feeder: Carol Castro [email protected]  
•    For non-feeder school ONLY: email [email protected] to join mailing list

Summit/Everest High School

For more information go to summitps.org


Design Tech High School
