Spirit Week

Spirit Week
12/19/2022 12/22/2022

Monday - Anything but a backpack day - Students can use a pouch, laundry basket, beach pail, etc. instead of a backpack today only. HOWEVER they cannot use anything that can't be taken up and down stairs independently. The alternative backpack CANNOT be left in the office and must remain with the student or nearby per teachers instructions. Nothing that would require a student to use the elevator to get to classes like a wheelbarrow, hand truck, dumpster. If it could house a raccoon - it's not ok. YOU WILL CALL HOME TO GET A REPLACEMENT AND LOSE SPIRIT POINTS FOR YOUR GRADE.

Tuesday - Color Out - each grade wears a color specific to their grade/role from head to toe if possible:  6th - Green, 7th - Red, 8th - Blue, Staff - White.

Wednesday - Country vs. Country Club - Jessie and Woody from Toy Story or Barbie and Ken from Malibu. These power couples bring big spirit. On Wednesday, students can wear something to represent the wild west or the mild country club. Think flipped collars and tennis skirts vs. flannel, overalls, and boots.  

Thursday - Holiday PJ & Ugly Sweaters - Rep how you like to spend the holiday season - Kwanza-style, happy-Hanukkah, Christmas-cozy, or Goblin mode.

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